National planning policy framework

Sustainable development is defined for the UK by the 2005 Sustainable Development StrategyNPPF Checklist for Practitioners focuses on the opportunities presented by policies in the NPPF that can be used to help improve provision of and access to cultural and sporting opportunities through plan-making and planning decisions on individual planning applications for new development. The questions posed in the checklist form a starting point for ensuring the Local Plan takes into account national policies set out in the NPPF.

When considering the questions in the checklist, first answer the following questions:

  • At what stage is the Local Plan or neighbourhood plan?
  • Are there existing county-wide, corporate or informal joint structures or processes that can be tapped into?
  • Who is the key contact in the forward planning, development management, and cultural and leisure services teams of the local authority?
  • What specific roles and contributions can other stakeholder organisations in the culture and arts sector provide to assist local authority officers?
  • What is the standing advice of statutory agencies such as Sport England, English Heritage and Natural England?

Resource: The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Checklist for Practitioners